Tuesday, January 27, 2009

RSS- A Powerful Marketing Tool

In order to enhance your online presence, it is important to incorporate various marketing tools in your marketing campaign. Up till now, most Internet marketing tools could be used only for specific Internet marketing activity like, direct marketing, search engine marketing,ecommerce, Internet advertising and so on.

But RSS is such a single, powerful marketing tool that combines the potential of entire marketing tools.

If you have an online business, you must understand what RSS is. To put it simply, RSS is a content delivery channel that allows you to deliver Internet content to your target audiences. This enables you to eliminate a large part of the external noise and at the same time, overcome the shortcomings of other delivery channels like, E-mail. RSS gets your content delivered to end-users in a very simple and quick manner.

RSS content is delivered with the help of RSS feeds. Simple files are structured in a specific way. These files contain basic information about the RSS feed like, RSS feed title, logo, description, URL and the real content in the form of individual content items. These content items can be individual stories or description of articles that are published on the Website. RSS allows website owners to easily deliver information about their specific content to users as the content is presented in a linear list.

This method of delivering your content through RSS can be compared to e-mail content alert services, which send you the e-mail message if the content you are interested in is published on a specific website. It lets you know that the new content or article you are interested in is available on the Web. But, the main advantage of using RSS is that it gets your content delivered without any obstacles present in other delivery channels.

RSS has lot of other important uses. You can use RSS to distribute you content through other websites also. This ways you can generate more traffic. You can promote your RSS feed through various specialized RSS search engines and increase your search engine ranking. RSS can be used to boost your sales, target your marketing message by customizing your feeds for your customers and giving them the content that they want.

With the help of RSS, you can also create digital catalogues that provide latest product updates to customers. Here are some of the ways you can benefit by using RSS: • Direct marketing • Public relations • controlling you online content • Customer Relationship Management • Advertising • Internal communications • Search engine optimization • Lead generation • Online publishing • E-commerce

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