In my opinion, the gurus who make millions have got the system down to a fine art and know exactly what buttons to press to get desperate people parting with thousands of pounds. The trouble is that they have got so successful that they have lost touch with the average person. For more details They offer you personal tuition but you will end up in a workshop of other poor souls that have also parted with thousands of pounds to attend these workshops not realizing that the gurus also want to sell you product licenses for thousands more. The whole experience draws people in to parting with very large sums of cash and a lot of products that other people will also be trying to market to the same people.
Most will fail and end up in debt but the odd one does well. I've been to the seminars and done the courses and what struck me is how desperate the average business opportunity seeker wants to break free of the rat race. The trouble is that this desperation plays right into the hands of the people who are charging these high prices in return for selling them the dream.
This is what has given Internet marketers a bad name. Here we are in the 21st Century and there are no more jobs for life and people are finding themselves being pulled away from the traditional family lifestyle in return for a wage that barely covers the bills. well guess what, who says the the elite few should have all the on-line income available?
If you really want to earn an income on-line then you would do far better to learn from someone who is doing it on a smaller scale. Most gurus use clever marketing tactics and are businesspeople. For more details .Average is not so you should look for a mentor who you have an affinity with. There are plenty out there. I prefer to see people on video rather than read sales copy about what they have achieved because you can judge their personality better.
Also make sure you are able to contact them via email or telephone. This tends to weed out the pretenders as they won't like answering questions. Rely on your intuition as well, most people can spot a scam artist because they promise you the world.
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