You may be thinking, "But why?" Well, because this ranking on the first page of results will give you the ability to get quality, hungry people to your website, (and money-making offers), without costing you a dime!
The result? Any sales you make off of your free website ranking will be 100% profit. That's PURE profit! But of course, the golden question is "But how do I do this?"
As we know, search engines are confusing and even intimidating. They always seem to be changing, and they rely on these top secret, super high tech algorithms that are best left to the Einsteins of the world. These mathematical equations try to deliver the most relevant results for their searchers.
But if you break it down into nuts and bolts, search engines are not that complicated in regards to your website rankings. It just takes some effort to learn and understand how they work. And it's reasonable to assume that if you know how they work, you can get your website ranked in the top 10 results of any search engine you want! Once you obtain this ranking, you'll notice the money starting to roll in!
The nuts and bolts of search engine rankings comprise a recipe of several factors. These factors tell the search engines what to look for in determining the relevancy of your website for a particular keyword. Some of these important factors are: Page Title, File Name, and Contextual Links. There are other factors in this recipe but these three are the easiest to understand.
The first factor in the recipe is the page title. When you do a search on Google, the results will show the title of the page as the first big, blue hyperlink. Search engines perceive that if a keyword is in the title of the webpage, then this webpage is relevant to the search query. These pages will get a higher ranking than those pages that don't have a keyword in the page title.
The next factor is the actual file name. This name is the HTML file of the webpage and is important to search engines. Most website homepages have the file name "index.html". But if you change the name of your file to the keyword you want to rank for, then the search engines will pickup on this as being more relevant. So for example, if you want to rank your site for the keyword "dogs", you'd want to name your homepage "dogs.html". This little trick of having your keyword in the actual file name of your page will alert the search engines that your webpage is most likely relevant to that keyword.
The last factor in our discussion is contextual links. These links are hyperlinks within the content of your website. They let the search engines crawl through your entire site. For example, if you link a "dogs" page from your homepage using the keyword "dogs", the search engines can determine the relevancy of that page to that link.
These are just three factors in the complex recipe of factors that the search engines use. You need to learn how to use them in order to get your website ranked for your desired keywords. Once you apply these factors to get a high ranking, you'll be kicking yourself for not learning them sooner!
Website Ranked High Search Engines
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